Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ouch Purchase: Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller

Joovy Caboose Stand On Tandem Stroller

I call this an "ouch" purchase because this was an item that I purchased as a gift that I hadn't planned on. It was a bit pricier than most gifts I give away, but it was a gift my sister really needed for her kids and one morning I woke up and saw that a few colors, including this apple tree, where on sale at Amazon for $132.95. So I bit the bullet and hit the Buy Now button before I could change my mind. I don't have kids myself, but I find myself making a lot of baby and children purchases because I am a very good aunt and almost mom to a few of these kiddos. I would see my sister struggle with her new baby in his stroller and her toddler either had to walk or be held, and when I saw this stroller I knew that it was going to be perfect for them, I also really fancy this lovely green shade. I have it ready to give them this weekend when they come over for lunch and I know they are going to love it. I guess that makes this ouch purchase okay.

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